
my beautiful girl bunny has surpassed all my expectations with this litter. her last litter was crossed with a toy poodle but these guys fathered by tiny Russian Pom stud Rocket are out of this world… so much so that I wish I could keep them all…

we have

Raisin 💙 Black and Tan silky double coat. £800
Quince 💙 £1100 —- SOLD —-
Apple 💗 fawn super fluffy double coat. £900
Kiwi 💗light fawn super fluffy double coat. £900
Cherry 💗 dark fawn fluffy double coat with what looks like a slight curl £900

all puppies leave having 1st vaccinations and 2nd ones paid for if you use the same type of vets available all over the country.
toys and blankets. raw feed 3 day’s worth. more can be purchased from us with notice and food service available for local living families. puppy chat what’s app group for new families with ongoing support and advice and you can share your pu
puppy pics till your heart is content…
we are still in contact with every puppy that has ever left us and would love to continue to do the same… I also organise 6monthly and yearly puppy meets. usually in a location central for all..


✅ Make sure you only PAY through Camlist, because:

1- You can pay in installments 💰 for any pet with 0% interest
2- Your payments are 100% SAFE 🤗 and protected from any scams
3- You can get FREE PET FOOD 💊 , offers on insurance, and some vet services for FREE!

➡️ Reach out to the Camlist support team to get more info about this awesome offer!



East Hertfordshire, GB