
Our beautiful girl 😍 has had an impressive litter of 1 girl. 🐶 Mum is merle and dad is Russian import black/ caramel coloured. He is 11 weeks old now, born on 28th February. ❤️

They have been brought up around children, our other dog and all household noises. They are all starting to gain their own personalities and are amazing example of the breed. All pups will have been health checked, microchipped, first vaccinations and wormed. Pups will come with vet paperwork.

our girl is ready for new loving home!

Prices £1300

For more information or photos please feel free to contact myself 😇


✅ Make sure you only PAY through Camlist, because:

1- You can pay in installments 💰 for any pet with 0% interest
2- Your payments are 100% SAFE 🤗 and protected from any scams
3- You can get FREE PET FOOD 💊 , offers on insurance, and some vet services for FREE!

➡️ Reach out to the Camlist support team to get more info about this awesome offer!



London, GB