
He is a lovely little puppy and he’s going to be massive

He’s not neutered so might have cute babies later ?

He is fully toilet trained and scratches on the door with his paw to tell you he needs the toilet or he will sit in front of the door and cry so you let him out.

He loves his toys and his food, he is eating raw food and biscuits mixed.

He loves going out to the field and running around, he is good off lead on the field and doesn’t go far, he normally just walks around next to you and goes to sniff things and run around.

He’s gone up to sniff other dogs on the field whilst he’s been on the lead, and he hasn’t gone to attack them or anything, he just sniffs them and runs around with them sometimes.

On walks he is fine, sometimes he stops to sniff things like any normal dog ?if you want him to move along I normally pull on the lead twice and call his name, and he moves along.

When he sees people or other dogs he likes to get curious and stops and just stares at them for some reason, never tries to pull towards them or anything, normally i just tell him to love along and he will.

He is good during the night and a little bit of a lazy bugger and just sleeps ??

He is vaccinated and micro chipped and registered at the vets, which will all be switched over to you, if your the right person for him.

I do not know what he is like with kids, as I do not have any and he has not been around any, so please do not message if you have kids that are younger than 15, to be around a big dog like Enzo, otherwise it is a risk you would have to take.

I am in Rochdale, so if you are from London or somewhere far, please don’t message because I don’t drive.

Leave me a message!!


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Rochdale, GB