
Girls 3000
Boys 2500

2 Black and Tan girls
One chocolate and tan girl
2 Lalic and tan males
1 fawn male

Taking deposits and vewings

Pedigree English bull dogs
Mums information eg Bulka
⭐️Mom is EU import, a lot of champions in pedigree .

⭐️Dad is famous John Bee ,UK.

⭐️Bulka has standard body shape, DNA health panel clear, she has wide nostrils, no snoring, strong health without any problems .

Dads information

DREAMY BOY amazing Merle chocolate and tan
I love
⭐️dna tested health panel clear and clean and
Wide nostrils clean and clear
Also amazinf structure and

⭐️mum and dad is sarseen stone
American 🇺🇸 import
And Rosie Cameron

Both mum and dad health panels can be seen
Will be. ⭐️kc registered
First vaccination
And leave with a puppy pack also


✅ Make sure you only PAY through Camlist, because:

1- You can pay in installments 💰 for any pet with 0% interest
2- Your payments are 100% SAFE 🤗 and protected from any scams
3- You can get FREE PET FOOD 💊 , offers on insurance, and some vet services for FREE!

➡️ Reach out to the Camlist support team to get more info about this awesome offer!



London, GB